Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Please Vote For me

I need your help in order for my work to get to New York I need you to vote for me. Please feel free to share this link with friends and love ones. Here are a few of my paintings as well Thanks again for your help. Click on VOTE 

Monday, March 26, 2012

Out and about

After spending a few hours in the studio I decided to head out with a good friend of mine and look for inspiration. Here are a few images I took while out looking for inspiration today. There's so much inspiration in this city its endless. Every time I head out I find something new that inspires me. Talking about inspiration in May I'll be heading to NYC and I can't wait to see what I come across.
Here are a few new stencils I'm working on and can't wait to use them. I'm also in the process of working on a few new piece for a show in April. These new stencils are pretty small and the smaller they are the harder they are to cut. All my stencils are hand cut by me and they can be a pain in the butt to cut but well worth it. To tell you the truth I might have well over 150 stencils that I've hand cut over the years. I will try and photography them so you can see the variety of stencils I have in my collection.

Out looking for Inspiration

There times when I'm in the studio and need to be inspired so I get my camera and head outside. As I'm looking for inspiration I'm looking for textures, typography, rust, decay and color. Here are a few images I took while looking for inspiration as you can tell textures is a big factor in these images. Hope these images inspire you the way they have inspired me.